Cell Store Query API



Get the documentation of the CellStore API.


This method has no parameters.

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns the documentation of the CellStore API in the OpenAPI specification format.



Retrieve a summary for all components of a given archive


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve labels.  
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  
validate query Whether to run validation on the output components (default: false). Adds a column ValidationErrors  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
concept query The name of a concept to specify a data point to restrict components.  
prefix:dimension query The name of a dimension used for slicing and dicing facts. Accepted format: prefix:dimension. As a value, the value of the dimension or ALL can be provided if all facts with this dimension should be retrieved.  
prefix:dimension::type query Sets the dimension to be a typed dimension with the specified type (default: xbrl:Entity/xbrl:Period/xbrl:Unit/xbrl28:Archive are typed string, others are explicit dimensions; Some further dimensions may have default types depending on the profile).  
prefix:dimension::default query The default value of the dimension [prefix:dimension] that should be returned if the dimension was not provided explicitly for a fact. Accepted format: prefix:dimension::default.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns all components for the given archive
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve metadata about the entities that submit archives. These entities are also referred to by facts with the xbrl:Entity aspect, of which the values are called Entity IDs (EIDs). One entity might have several EIDs.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
entity-search query Includes in the results the entities whose name match this full-text query japan
entity-search-offset query Includes in the results the entities whose name match the entity-search parameter skipping the first entity-search-offset results (default: 0) japan
entity-search-limit query Includes in the results the entities whose name match the entity-search parameter limited to a maximum of entity-search-limit results (default: 100) japan
language query Specifies in which language to perform the entity-search query (default: en-US) japan
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns query listing
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request


Add or update entity. The entities are identified with Entity IDs (EIDs).

An entity must be specified as a JSON object that must be valid against a JSound schema. It can be either taken from the output of a GET request to the same endpoint (in which case it will be valid), or created manually.

For convenience, we offer a user-friendly summary of the fields involved. The JSound schema is available on request.

Body properties

Field Type Presence Content
EIDs array of strings (at least one) required The EIDs for this entity.
Profiles object optional Maps profile names to additional profile-specific information. The profile-specific information must have a Name field containing the profile name, that is, identical to its key. The other fields in the profile information is not restricted.

Additionally, the following field is allowed for the purpose of feeding back the output of the entities endpoint as input:

  • Archives (string)

Several entities can be created at the same time by posting a sequence of non-comma-separated JSON objects as above.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
entity body The entity objects, which must be supplied in the body of the request, and which must satisfy the constraints described in the field table.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Entities have been added.
400 One of the supplied entities is invalid.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
409 Duplicate entity in the input or entity already exists.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Deletes an entity.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
eid query The EID (scheme + local name) of a company.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan

Status codes

Code Description
204 Entity has been deleted.
400 Cannot delete more than one entity at a time (safety mechanism). Or, Archives still exist for this entity.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such entity could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Update one or more entities with partial information


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
patch body The patch object, which will be merged into each entity (the entities must be valid after applying it).

Updating the EID of an entity is not allowed. |   |

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns the patched entities
400 Bad request: a parameter is missing or invalid, or an entity is invalid after applying the patch, or an EID was updated
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
403 Access denied
404 No such entity could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve one or more facts for a combination of archives.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
concept query The name of a concept to dice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl:Concept).  
fiscalYear query A fiscal year to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalYear, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriod query A fiscal period to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriod, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriodType query A fiscal period type to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriodType, default: no filtering). sec, japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). sec, japan
map query [Deprecated, use report] The concept map that should be used to resolve the concept (default: none).  
rule query [Deprecated, use report] The rules that should be used to resolve the concept (default: none).  
report query The report to use as a context to retrieve the facts. In particular, concept maps and rules found in this report will be used. (default: none).  
additional-rules query The name of a report from which to use rules in addition to a report's rules (e.g. FundamentalAccountingConcepts).  
labels query Whether human-readable labels should be included for concepts in each fact (default: false).  
metadata query Whether metadata about the facts concept and dimensions should be included in each fact (default: false).  
audit-trails query Whether audit trails should be included in each fact (default: no).  
open query Whether the hypercube query has open hypercube semantics, i.e., automatically stretches to accommodate for all found dimensions (default: false).  
prefix:dimension query The name of a dimension used for slicing and dicing facts. Accepted format: prefix:dimension. As a value, the value of the dimension or ALL can be provided if all facts with this dimension should be retrieved.  
prefix:dimension::type query Sets the dimension to be a typed dimension with the specified type (default: xbrl:Entity/xbrl:Period/xbrl:Unit/xbrl28:Archive are typed string, others are explicit dimensions; Some further dimensions may have default types depending on the profile).  
prefix:dimension::default query The default value of the dimension [prefix:dimension] that should be returned if the dimension was not provided explicitly for a fact. Accepted format: prefix:dimension::default.  
prefix:dimension::category query Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer, a dicer, or unchanged. If an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along slicers and grouped along dicers (default: unchanged).  
prefix:dimension::visible query Specifies whether the dimension is visible in the output. Only applies to dimensions defined as slicers. Default: false for slicers, but always true for dicers.  
prefix:dimension::slicer query [Deprecated] Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer (true) or not (false). Slicer dimensions do not appear in the output fact table, and if an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along this dimension (default: false).  
prefix:dimension::column query If the dimension is visible in the output, specifies the position at which it appears in the output fact table (default: arbitrary order).  
prefix:dimension::aggregation query [Deprecated] Specifies whether this dimension is a dicer ('group') or not ('no'). If a dicer, facts will be grouped along this dimension before applying the supplied aggregation function. By default, all key aspects, except those explicitly specified as slicers, are dicers ('group') and non-key aspects are not ('no'). Has no effect if no aggregation function is supplied, or if the dimension is explicitly specified as a slicer.  
aggregation-function query Specify an aggregation function to aggregate facts. Will aggregate facts, grouped by dicers, but aggregated along slicers, with this function.  
validate query Whether or not to stamp facts for validity (default is false).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns the fact listing
400 Bad request: a parameter is missing or invalid or total is used together with csv or excel serialization
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request


Add a fact to a archive.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
fact body The fact objects (they must be valid, and have an archive aspect that points to an existing archive). To logically delete a fact, omit the Value field.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns the fact objects that has been added to the cell store.
400 One of the supplied facts is invalid.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
403 Access denied
404 No such archive or entity could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Patch one or more facts


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
concept query The name of a concept to dice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl:Concept).  
fiscalYear query A fiscal year to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalYear, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriod query A fiscal period to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriod, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriodType query A fiscal period type to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriodType, default: no filtering). sec, japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). sec, japan
map query [Deprecated, use report] The concept map that should be used to resolve the concept (default: none).  
rule query [Deprecated, use report] The rules that should be used to resolve the concept (default: none).  
report query The report to use as a context to retrieve the facts. In particular, concept maps and rules found in this report will be used. (default: none).  
additional-rules query The name of a report from which to use rules in addition to a report's rules (e.g. FundamentalAccountingConcepts).  
open query Whether the hypercube query has open hypercube semantics, i.e., automatically stretches to accommodate for all found dimensions (default: false).  
prefix:dimension query The name of a dimension used for slicing and dicing facts. Accepted format: prefix:dimension. As a value, the value of the dimension or ALL can be provided if all facts with this dimension should be retrieved.  
prefix:dimension::type query Sets the dimension to be a typed dimension with the specified type (default: xbrl:Entity/xbrl:Period/xbrl:Unit/xbrl28:Archive are typed string, others are explicit dimensions; Some further dimensions may have default types depending on the profile).  
prefix:dimension::default query The default value of the dimension [prefix:dimension] that should be returned if the dimension was not provided explicitly for a fact. Accepted format: prefix:dimension::default.  
prefix:dimension::category query Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer, a dicer, or unchanged. If an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along slicers and grouped along dicers (default: unchanged).  
prefix:dimension::visible query Specifies whether the dimension is visible in the output. Only applies to dimensions defined as slicers. Default: false for slicers, but always true for dicers.  
prefix:dimension::slicer query [Deprecated] Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer (true) or not (false). Slicer dimensions do not appear in the output fact table, and if an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along this dimension (default: false).  
prefix:dimension::column query If the dimension is visible in the output, specifies the position at which it appears in the output fact table (default: arbitrary order).  
prefix:dimension::aggregation query [Deprecated] Specifies whether this dimension is a dicer ('group') or not ('no'). If a dicer, facts will be grouped along this dimension before applying the supplied aggregation function. By default, all key aspects, except those explicitly specified as slicers, are dicers ('group') and non-key aspects are not ('no'). Has no effect if no aggregation function is supplied, or if the dimension is explicitly specified as a slicer.  
aggregation-function query Specify an aggregation function to aggregate facts. Will aggregate facts, grouped by dicers, but aggregated along slicers, with this function.  
validate query Whether or not to stamp facts for validity (default is false).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
patch body The patch object, which will be merged into each facts (the facts must be valid after applying it).  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns the patched facts
400 Bad request: a parameter is missing or invalid, or a fact is invalid after applying the patch
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
403 Access denied
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve the fact table for a given component. A component can be selected in several ways, for example with an accession number (AID), section URI and hypercube name, or with a CIK, fiscal year, fiscal period, and disclosure, etc.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve components / sections.  
concept query The name of a concept to dice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl:Concept).  
fiscalYear query A fiscal year to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalYear, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriod query A fiscal period to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriod, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriodType query A fiscal period type to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriodType, default: no filtering). sec, japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
additional-rules query The name of a report from which to use rules in addition to a report's rules (e.g. FundamentalAccountingConcepts).  
labels query Whether human-readable labels should be included for concepts in each fact (default: false).  
metadata query Whether metadata about the facts concept and dimensions should be included in each fact (default: false).  
audit-trails query Whether audit trails should be included in each fact (default: no).  
open query Whether the hypercube query has open hypercube semantics, i.e., automatically stretches to accommodate for all found dimensions (default: false).  
prefix:dimension query The name of a dimension used for slicing and dicing facts. Accepted format: prefix:dimension. As a value, the value of the dimension or ALL can be provided if all facts with this dimension should be retrieved.  
prefix:dimension::category query Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer, a dicer, or unchanged. If an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along slicers and grouped along dicers (default: unchanged).  
prefix:dimension::visible query Specifies whether the dimension is visible in the output. Only applies to dimensions defined as slicers. Default: false for slicers, but always true for dicers.  
prefix:dimension::slicer query [Deprecated] Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer (true) or not (false). Slicer dimensions do not appear in the output fact table, and if an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along this dimension (default: false).  
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
aggregation-function query Specify an aggregation function to aggregate facts. Will aggregate facts, grouped by dicers, but aggregated along slicers, with this function.  
validate query Whether or not to stamp facts for validity (default is false).  
merge query Whether to merge components if multiple components are retrieved. By default, it is true. If false, a random component is selected if multiple are retrieved (default: true).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
override query Whether the static component or report hypercube should be tampered with using the same hypercube-building API as the facts endpoint (default: true if a profile is active, otherwise automatically activated).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Return the fact table for the given component
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found. / No such component could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve the fact table for a given report. Filters can be overriden. Filters MUST be overriden if the report is not already filtering.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
concept query The name of a concept to dice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl:Concept).  
fiscalYear query A fiscal year to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalYear, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriod query A fiscal period to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriod, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriodType query A fiscal period type to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriodType, default: no filtering). sec, japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
open query Whether the hypercube query has open hypercube semantics, i.e., automatically stretches to accommodate for all found dimensions (default: false).  
report query The report to use as a context to retrieve the facts. In particular, concept maps and rules found in this report will be used. (default: none).  
labels query Whether human-readable labels should be included for concepts in each fact (default: false).  
metadata query Whether metadata about the facts concept and dimensions should be included in each fact (default: false).  
audit-trails query Whether audit trails should be included in each fact (default: no).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
aggregation-function query Specify an aggregation function to aggregate facts. Will aggregate facts, grouped by dicers, but aggregated along slicers, with this function.  
validate query Whether or not to stamp facts for validity (default is false).  
override query Whether the static component or report hypercube should be tampered with using the same hypercube-building API as the facts endpoint (default: true if a profile is active, otherwise automatically activated).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Return the fact table for the given component
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve the data points for a given component. A component can be selected in several ways, for example with an accession number (AID), section URI and hypercube name, or with a CIK, fiscal year, fiscal period, and disclosure, etc.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve components / sections.  
concept query The name of a concept to dice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl:Concept).  
fiscalYear query A fiscal year to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalYear, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriod query A fiscal period to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriod, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriodType query A fiscal period type to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriodType, default: no filtering). sec, japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
labels query Whether human-readable labels should be included for concepts in each fact (default: false).  
metadata query Whether metadata about the facts concept and dimensions should be included in each fact (default: false).  
open query Whether the hypercube query has open hypercube semantics, i.e., automatically stretches to accommodate for all found dimensions (default: false).  
prefix:dimension query The name of a dimension used for slicing and dicing facts. Accepted format: prefix:dimension. As a value, the value of the dimension or ALL can be provided if all facts with this dimension should be retrieved.  
prefix:dimension::category query Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer, a dicer, or unchanged. If an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along slicers and grouped along dicers (default: unchanged).  
prefix:dimension::visible query Specifies whether the dimension is visible in the output. Only applies to dimensions defined as slicers. Default: false for slicers, but always true for dicers.  
prefix:dimension::slicer query [Deprecated] Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer (true) or not (false). Slicer dimensions do not appear in the output fact table, and if an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along this dimension (default: false).  
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
merge query Whether to merge components if multiple components are retrieved. By default, it is true. If false, a random component is selected if multiple are retrieved (default: true).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
override query Whether the static component or report hypercube should be tampered with using the same hypercube-building API as the facts endpoint (default: true if a profile is active, otherwise automatically activated).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Return the data points for the given component
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found. / No such component could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve metadata about the archives, also called archives. The archives are identified with Archive IDs (AIDs). Facts can be bound with archives with the xbrl28:Archive aspect, whose values are AIDs.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
dts query Whether DTS and entrypoint information should be included for each archive (default: false).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns all archives for the given entity
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request


Add or update archives. The archives are identified with Archive IDs (AIDs).

A new empty archive can be created by submitting a JSON object containing general information about the archive. This JSON object must be valid agains a JSound schema. It can be either taken from the output of a GET request to the same endpoint (in which case it will be valid), or created manually.

For convenience, we offer a user-friendly summary of the fields involved. The JSound schema is available on request.

Body properties

Field Type Presence Content
AID string required The AID of the archive
Entity string optional The EID to which the archive belongs
Entities array of strings (at least one) required if Entity is absent Used if the archive reports information on more than one entity.
InstanceURL string optional The URL of the original XBRL instance
Namespaces object with string values optional Maps prefixes to namespaces for the archive (common bindings are automatically added)
Profiles object optional Maps profile names to additional profile-specific information. The profile-specific information must have a Name field containing the profile name, that is, identical to its key. The other fields in the profile information is not restricted.

Additionally, the following fields are allowed for the purpose of feeding back the output of the archives endpoint as input:

  • Components (string)
  • Sections (string)
  • NumSections (integer)
  • NumFacts (integer)
  • NumFootnotes (integer)
  • NumReportElements (integer)
  • NumHypercubes (integer)
  • NumDimensions (integer)
  • NumMembers (integer)
  • NumLineItems (integer)
  • NumAbstracts (integer)
  • NumConcepts (integer)

Several empty archives can be created at the same time by posting a sequence of non-comma-separated JSON objects as above.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
archive body The body of the request. The archive JSON objects, which must satisfy the constraints described in the field table.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Archives have been added.
400 One of the supplied archives is invalid or already exists.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such entity could be found.
409 Duplicate archive in the input or archive already exists.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Deletes an archive.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan

Status codes

Code Description
204 Archives have been deleted.
400 Cannot delete more than one archive at a time (safety mechanism).
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such entity or archive could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Update one or more archives with partial information


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
patch body The patch object, which will be merged into each archive (the archive objects must be valid after applying it).

Updating the AID of an archive is not allowed. |   |

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns the patched archives
400 Bad request: a parameter is missing or invalid, or an archive is invalid after applying the patch, or an AID was updated
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
403 Access denied
404 No such archive could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Imports an archive.

A full import is performed by provided, in the body of the request, a ZIP Deflate-compressed archive. This will import all the facts from the instance, as well as the taxonomy schema and linkbases.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy.  
timeout query Timeout for the operation.  
archive-detection-profile-name query This parameter can be used to override the algorithm used to identify which files are the archive entrypoint. Allowed values are: AUTO (automatic detection) and FSA (automatic detection, with identification of Audit and Public documents).  
taxonomy query Whether to import the XBRL taxonomy of the specified archive or the archive itself.  
insert-entity query If false, and one or more of the archive entities are not present in the repository an error is raised. If true, the missing entity is inserted. (Default is true, only used when providing compressed XBRL archives)  
archive body The body of the request, a single ZIP-Deflate-compressed XBRL archive.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Archives have been added.
400 One of the supplied archives is invalid or already exists.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such entity could be found.
409 Duplicate archive in the input or archive already exists.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Copies an existing archive. The new archive copy will retain all the data (components, report-elements, facts, footnotes) of the copied archive and will have a new Archive ID. Optionally a new Entity ID for the copied archive can be specified.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
from-aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy to copy.  
aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy.  
eid query The EID (scheme + local name) of a company.  
insert-entity query If false, and the specified new Entity ID is not present in the Cellstore an error is raised. If true, the missing entity is inserted. (Default is true)  
copy-facts query Whether to copy the archive facts or not.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Archive has been copied.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such entity or archive could be found.
409 Archive already exists.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Retrieve labels for the supplied components and report elements


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve labels.  
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
labelRole query A label role (default: no filtering by label role). A more comprehensive list of label roles can be found in the XBRL Standard.  
onlyTextBlocks query If set to true only labels for concepts defined as textBlockItemType are returned (default: false).  
kind query Filters by concept kind (default: no filtering)  
eliminateReportElementDuplicates query Whether to eliminate (concept name, language, label role) duplicates. By default no duplicate elimination  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns all components for the given archive
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found. / No such component could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request


Add or update labels. A label is identified with an Archive ID (AID), a section URI, a report element, a language and a label role.

A label can be created by submitting a JSON object containing general information about the label. This JSON object must be valid against a JSound schema. It can be either taken from the output of a GET request to the same endpoint (in which case it will be valid), or created manually.

For convenience, we offer a user-friendly summary of the fields involved. The JSound schema is available on request.

Body properties

Field Type Presence Content
AID string required The AID of the archive to which the section belongs
SectionURI string required The URI of the section
ReportElement string required The name of a report element
Language string required A language code, e.g., en-US or de
Role string required A label role
Value string required The label itself

Several labels can be created at the same time by posting a sequence of non-comma-separated JSON objects as above.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
label body The label objects (they must be valid).  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Labels have been added.
400 One of the supplied labels is invalid or (if JSON) already exists.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive or section or report element could be found.
409 One of the supplied labels already exists.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Deletes a label.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy.  
section query The URI of a particular section.  
reportElement query The name of the report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
labelRole query A label role (default: no filtering by label role). A more comprehensive list of label roles can be found in the XBRL Standard.  

Status codes

Code Description
204 The label has been deleted.
400 Cannot delete more than one label at a time (safety mechanism).
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive or section or report element or label could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Retrieve the model structure for a given component. A component can be selected in several ways, for example with an accession number (AID), section URI and hypercube name, or with a CIK, fiscal year, fiscal period, and disclosure, etc.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve components / sections.  
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
indent query If set to true all labels will be prepended with 8 space characters for each level of depth within the model structure (default: false).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Return the model structure for the given component
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found. / No such component could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request


Add or update components by providing their model structures. The components are identified with an AID, a section URI and the qualified name of a hypercube.

A new component can be created by submitting a JSON object containing the model structure of the component. This JSON object must be valid agains a JSound schema. It can be either taken from the output of a GET request to the same endpoint (in which case it will be valid), or created manually.

For convenience, we offer a user-friendly summary of the fields involved. The JSound schema is available on request.

Body properties

Field Type Presence Content
AID string required The AID of the archive to which the component belongs
SectionURI string (URI) optional The URI of the section to which the component belongs
HypercubeName string (QName lexical space) required The name of the hypercube that this component involves
ModelStructure array of model structure node objects required The hierarchical model structure, as a tree of nodes that reference report elements (see below)

Additionally, the following fields are allowed for the purpose of feeding back the output of the modelstructure-for-component endpoint as input:

Model structure node properties

Field Type Presence Content
Name string required The qualified name of a report element that exists in the component's section
Children array optional An array of model structure node objects that reference further children report elements

Additionally, the following fields are allowed for the purpose of feeding back the output of the modelstructure-for-component endpoint as input:

  • Depth (integer)
  • Label (string)
  • BaseType (string)
  • Kind (string)
  • Order (integer)
  • DataType (string)
  • BaseDataType (string)
  • Balance (string)
  • Abstract (boolean)
  • PeriodType (string)

The hierarchy of the model structure must fulfill the constraints described in the documentation of model structures. We repeat it here for convenience:

Kind of report element Allowed children
Abstract Hypercube (if top-level), Abstract, Concept
Hypercube Dimension, LineItems
Dimension Member
Member Member
LineItems Abstract, Concept
Concept none

The model structure MUST involve the hypercube referred to in the top-level HypercubeName field, only this one, and only once, either top-level or below a top-level abstract. Its children are the dimensions with their members, as well as the line items hierarchy.

The only exception to the requirement of the hypercube report element is the special xbrl28:ImpliedTable hypercube. If HypercubeName is xbrl28:ImpliedTable, then the model structure can only involve Abstracts and Concepts, and has no dimensionality.

Several components can be created at the same time by posting a sequence of non-comma-separated JSON model structure objects as above.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
model-structure body The model structures, which must satisfy the constraints described in the properties table.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Components have been added.
400 One of the supplied model structures is invalid. Or one of the components is a duplicate in the body. Or the supplied HypercubeName is not a hypercube.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive or section or report element could be found.
409 The component with the specified archive, section and hypercube already exists.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Deletes a component including its model structure.


Name Type Description Profile
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve components / sections.  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
204 The report element has been deleted.
400 Cannot delete more than one component at a time (safety mechanism).
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive or section or component could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Retrieve the periods of the archives filed by a particular entity


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns all periods of the archives filed by the given entity
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve the report elements contained in a set of archives.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve labels.  
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
builtin query Whether to include built-in report elements (false by default).  
onlyNames query Whether only the names of the report elements should be returned. If so, the values don't contain duplicates. (default: false)  
name query [Deprecated] The name of the report element to return (e.g. us-gaap:Assets)  
report query The report to use as a context to retrieve the facts. In particular, concept maps and rules found in this report will be used. (default: none).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of report elements (e.g. stock)  
onlyTextBlocks query Filters by text block/not text block (default: no filtering)  
abstract query [Deprecated] Filters by abstract/not abstract (default: no filtering)  
kind query Filters by concept kind (default: no filtering)  
report-element-search query Includes in the results the report elements that have a label matching this full-text query japan, sec
report-element-search-offset query Includes in the results the report elements that have a label matching the report-element-search parameter skipping the first report-element-search-offset results (default: 0) japan, sec
report-element-search-limit query Includes in the results the report elements that have a label matching the report-element-search parameter limited to a maximum of report-element-search-limit results (default: 100) japan, sec
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
Content-Type header Content-Type of the request  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns all names of the report elements in the selected archives
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found. / No such component could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request


Add or update report elements. The report elements are identified with an AID, a section URI and a qualified name.

A new report element can be created by submitting a JSON object containing general information about the report element. This JSON object must be valid agains a JSound schema. It can be either taken from the output of a GET request to the same endpoint (in which case it will be valid), or created manually.

For convenience, we offer a user-friendly summary of the fields involved. The JSound schema is available on request.

Body properties

Field Type Presence Content
AID string required The AID of the archive to which the report element belongs
SectionURI string (URI) required The URI of the section to which the report element belongs
Name string (QName lexical space) required The name of the report element (of the form foo:Bar)
Kind One of: Concept, Abstract, LineItems, Hypercube, Dimension, Member optional One of the six kinds of report element
PeriodType One of: instant, duration optional Only allowed for the Concept kind. Indicates the period type (whether facts against this concept must have instant or duration periods).
DataType string (QName lexical space) optional Only allowed for the Concept kind. Indicates the data type (value facts against this concept must have).
Balance One of: credit, debit optional Only allowed for the Concept kind, and if the data type is monetary. Indicates the balance.
IsNillable boolean optional Only allowed for the Concept kind. Specifies whether null is accepted as a fact value.

Additionally, the following fields are allowed for the purpose of feeding back the output of the report-elements endpoint as input:

  • Components (string)
  • IsAbstract (boolean)
  • BaseType (string)
  • ClosestSchemaBuiltinType (string)
  • IsTextBlock (boolean)
  • Labels (string)
  • Facts (string)
  • Labels (string)
  • Label (string)
  • Section (string)
  • CIK (string)
  • EntityRegistrantName (string)
  • FiscalYear (integer)
  • FiscalPeriod (string)

For report elements with the kind Concept, the data type must be one of the following:

  • xbrli:decimalItemType
  • xbrli:floatItemType
  • xbrli:doubleItemType
  • xbrli:integerItemType
  • xbrli:positiveIntegerItemType
  • xbrli:nonPositiveIntegerItemType
  • xbrli:nonNegativeIntegerItemType
  • xbrli:negativeIntegershortItemType
  • xbrli:byteItemType
  • xbrli:intItemType
  • xbrli:longItemType
  • xbrli:unsignedShorItemType
  • xbrli:unsignedByteItemType
  • xbrli:unsignedIntItemType
  • xbrli:unsignedLongItemType
  • xbrli:stringItemType (implied/only one allowed for Hypercube, Dimension, LineItems and Abstract kinds)
  • xbrli:booleanItemType
  • xbrli:hexBinaryItemType
  • xbrli:base64BinaryItemType
  • xbrli:anyURIItemType
  • xbrli:QNameItemType
  • xbrli:durationItemType
  • xbrli:timeItemType
  • xbrli:dateItemType
  • xbrli:gYearMonthItemType
  • xbrli:gYearItemType
  • xbrli:gMonthItemType
  • xbrli:gMonthDayItemType
  • xbrli:gDayItemType
  • xbrli:normalizedStringItemType
  • xbrli:tokenItemType
  • xbrli:languageItemType
  • xbrli:NameItemType
  • xbrli:NCNameItemType
  • xbrli:monetaryItemType (allows Balance)
  • xbrli:pureItemType
  • xbrli:sharesItemType
  • xbrli:fractionItemType
  • nonnum:domainItemType (implied/only one allowed for Member kind)
  • nonnum:escapedItemType
  • nonnum:xmlNodesItemType
  • nonnum:xmlItemType
  • nonnum:textBlockItemType
  • num:percentItemType
  • num:perShareItemType
  • num:areaItemType
  • num:volumeItemType
  • num:massItemType
  • num:weightItemType
  • num:energyItemType
  • num:powerItemType
  • num:lengthItemType
  • num:noDecimalsMonetaryItemType (allows Balance)
  • num:nonNegativeMonetaryItemType (allows Balance)
  • num:nonNegativeNoDecimalsMonetaryItemType (allows Balance)
  • num:enumerationItemType

Several report elements can be created at the same time by posting a sequence of non-comma-separated JSON objects as above.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
report-element body The report element objects, which must be supplied in the body of the request, and which must satisfy the constraints described in the field table.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Report elements have been added.
400 One of the supplied report elements is invalid or (if JSON) already exists. Or one of the supplied report elements is a duplicate. Or one of the supplied report elements is inconsistent with existing report elements with the same name in the same archive.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive or section could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Deletes a report element.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy.  
section query The URI of a particular section.  
reportElement query The name of the report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  

Status codes

Code Description
204 The report element has been deleted.
400 Cannot delete more than one report element at a time (safety mechanism).
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive or section or report element could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Retrieve a summary for all rules of a given section


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns all rules for the given sections
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity or archive or section could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Name Type Description Profile
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
rules body The rule objects.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Rules have been added.
400 One of the supplied rules is invalid.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive or section could be found.
409 One of the supplied rules already exists or is duplicated.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Delete a rule for a given section


Name Type Description Profile
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy.  
section query The URI of a particular section.  
id query Rule id.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Rule has been added.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive or section could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Retrieve a summary for all sections of a given archive


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve components / sections.  
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
validate query Whether to run validation on the output components (default: false). Adds a column ValidationErrors  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns all sections for the given archive
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request


Add or update sections. A section is identified with an Archive ID (AID) and a section URI.

A section can be created by submitting a JSON object containing general information about the section. This JSON object must be valid against a JSound schema. It can be either taken from the output of a GET request to the same endpoint (in which case it will be valid), or created manually.

For convenience, we offer a user-friendly summary of the fields involved. The JSound schema is available on request.

Body properties

Field Type Presence Content
AID string required The AID of the archive to which the section belongs
SectionURI string required The URI of the section
Section string required A user-friendly label for the section (preferably in English).
Profiles object optional Maps profile names to additional profile-specific information. The profile-specific information must have a Name field containing the profile name, that is, identical to its key. The other fields in the profile information is not restricted.

Additionally, the following fields are allowed for the purpose of feeding back the output of the sections endpoint as input:

  • Components (string)
  • ReportElements (string)
  • FactTable (string)
  • Spreadsheet (string)
  • Category (string)
  • SubCategory (string)
  • Disclosure (string)
  • NumRules (integer)
  • NumReportElements (integer)
  • NumHypercubes (integer)
  • NumDimensions (integer)
  • NumMembers (integer)
  • NumLineItems (integer)
  • NumAbstracts (integer)
  • NumConcepts (integer)
  • EntityRegistrantName (string)
  • CIK (string)
  • FiscalYear (integer)
  • FiscalPeriod (string)
  • AcceptanceDatetime (string)
  • FormType (string)

Several empty sections can be created at the same time by posting a sequence of non-comma-separated JSON objects as above.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
section body The section objects (they must be valid).  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Sections have been added.
400 One of the supplied sections is invalid or (if JSON) already exists. Or one of the supplied sections is a duplicate.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.


Deletes a section.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy.  
section query The URI of a particular section.  

Status codes

Code Description
204 Sections have been deleted.
400 Cannot delete more than one section at a time (safety mechanism).
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such archive could be found.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Retrieve the business-friendly spreadsheet for a given component.

A component can be selected in several ways, for example with an Archive ID (AID), section URI and hypercube name, or with a CIK, fiscal year, fiscal period, and disclosure, etc.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
hypercube query The name of a hypercube report element, to retrieve components / sections.  
concept query The name of a concept to dice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl:Concept).  
fiscalYear query A fiscal year to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalYear, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriod query A fiscal period to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriod, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriodType query A fiscal period type to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriodType, default: no filtering). sec, japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
additional-rules query The name of a report from which to use rules in addition to a report's rules (e.g. FundamentalAccountingConcepts).  
audit-trails query Whether audit trails should be included in each fact (default: no).  
open query Whether the hypercube query has open hypercube semantics, i.e., automatically stretches to accommodate for all found dimensions (default: false).  
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
prefix:dimension query The name of a dimension used for slicing and dicing facts. Accepted format: prefix:dimension. As a value, the value of the dimension or ALL can be provided if all facts with this dimension should be retrieved.  
prefix:dimension::category query Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer, a dicer, or unchanged. If an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along slicers and grouped along dicers (default: unchanged).  
prefix:dimension::visible query Specifies whether the dimension is visible in the output. Only applies to dimensions defined as slicers. Default: false for slicers, but always true for dicers.  
prefix:dimension::slicer query [Deprecated] Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer (true) or not (false). Slicer dimensions do not appear in the output fact table, and if an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along this dimension (default: false).  
disclosure query A disclosure, to identify sections or components (e.g. BalanceSheet). sec, japan
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
aggregation-function query Specify an aggregation function to aggregate facts. Will aggregate facts, grouped by dicers, but aggregated along slicers, with this function.  
validate query Whether or not to stamp facts for validity (default is false).  
merge query Whether to merge components if multiple components are retrieved. By default, it is true. If false, a random component is selected if multiple are retrieved (default: true).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
override query Whether the static component or report hypercube should be tampered with using the same hypercube-building API as the facts endpoint (default: true if a profile is active, but false if a definition model is defined in the component).  
eliminate query Whether to eliminate empty rows / columns (Default: false).  
elimination-threshold query When you eliminate, you can specify a threshold of elimination between 0 and 100. If the threshold is set to 0 (which is the default), only fully empty rows and columns are eliminated. With 100, everything is eliminated. With a value inbetween, say, 50, the rows and columns with less than 50% of filled cells are eliminated (Default: 0).  
populate query Whether to populate cells with facts (Default: true). If false, populate with metadata, that is, aspects and concept data type, period type, balance.  
auto-slice query If set to true then slicers are automatically defined (default: true).  
row query Filters the spreadsheet to display only the rows specified (default: no filter). Deactivates elimination.  
column query Filters the spreadsheet to display only the columns specified (default: no filter). Deactivates elimination.  
flatten-row-headers query Whether to flatten row headers to single columns (Default: false).  
metadata query Whether metadata about the facts concept and dimensions should be included in each fact (default: false).  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Return the fact table for the given component
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found. / No such component could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve the business-friendly spreadsheet for a report.

Filters can be overriden. Filters MUST be overriden if the report is not already filtering.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
fiscalYear query A fiscal year to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalYear, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriod query A fiscal period to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriod, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriodType query A fiscal period type to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriodType, default: no filtering). sec, japan
report query The report to use as a context to retrieve the facts. In particular, concept maps and rules found in this report will be used. (default: none).  
validate query Whether or not to stamp facts for validity (default is false).  
audit-trails query Whether audit trails should be included in each fact (default: no).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
eliminate query Whether to eliminate empty rows / columns (Default: false).  
elimination-threshold query When you eliminate, you can specify a threshold of elimination between 0 and 100. If the threshold is set to 0 (which is the default), only fully empty rows and columns are eliminated. With 100, everything is eliminated. With a value inbetween, say, 50, the rows and columns with less than 50% of filled cells are eliminated (Default: 0).  
populate query Whether to populate cells with facts (Default: true). If false, populate with metadata, that is, aspects and concept data type, period type, balance.  
row query Filters the spreadsheet to display only the rows specified (default: no filter). Deactivates elimination.  
column query Filters the spreadsheet to display only the columns specified (default: no filter). Deactivates elimination.  
flatten-row-headers query Whether to flatten row headers to single columns (Default: false).  
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
override query Whether the static component or report hypercube should be tampered with using the same hypercube-building API as the facts endpoint (default: true if a profile is active, otherwise automatically activated).  
open query Whether the hypercube query has open hypercube semantics, i.e., automatically stretches to accommodate for all found dimensions (default: false).  
prefix:dimension query The name of a dimension used for slicing and dicing facts. Accepted format: prefix:dimension. As a value, the value of the dimension or ALL can be provided if all facts with this dimension should be retrieved.  
prefix:dimension::category query Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer, a dicer, or unchanged. If an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along slicers and grouped along dicers (default: unchanged).  
prefix:dimension::visible query Specifies whether the dimension is visible in the output. Only applies to dimensions defined as slicers. Default: false for slicers, but always true for dicers.  
prefix:dimension::slicer query [Deprecated] Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer (true) or not (false). Slicer dimensions do not appear in the output fact table, and if an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along this dimension (default: false).  
aggregation-function query Specify an aggregation function to aggregate facts. Will aggregate facts, grouped by dicers, but aggregated along slicers, with this function.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Return the spreadsheet for the given report
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Retrieve tables metadata


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
section query The URI of a particular section, to retrieve a section, component or report element.  
reportElement query The name of the report element to search for, to retrieve a section, a component or a report element (e.g. us-gaap:Goodwill).  
label query A search term to search in the labels of components, to retrieve components (e.g. stock).  
count query If true, only outputs statistics (default: false).  
top query Output only the first [top] results (default: no limit).  
skip query Skip the first [skip] results.  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
table query Table names, to retrieve tables.  
table-label-search query Includes in the results the tables whose label matches this full-text query dpm
table-column-search query Includes in the results the tables that have a column label matching this full-text query dpm
table-row-search query Includes in the results the tables that have a row label matching this full-text query dpm
table-search-offset query Includes in the results the tables matching one of the required full-text searches skipping the first table-search-offset results (default: 0) dpm
table-search-limit query Includes in the results the tables matching one of the required full-text searches limited to a maximum of table-search-limit results (default: 100) dpm

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns identified tables
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Adds a new taxonomy archive given one or more entrypoints. The taxonomy archive is identified with an Archive ID (AID).


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive ID of the archive or taxonomy.  
eid query The EID (scheme + local name) of a company, to add a new taxonomy.  
timeout query Timeout for the operation.  
entrypoint query The URI of a taxonomy entrypoint.  
insert-entity query If false, and one or more of the archive entities are not present in the repository an error is raised. If true, the missing entity is inserted. (Default is true)  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Taxonomy archive has been added.
400 One of the supplied entrypoints is invalid.
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges.
403 Access denied.
404 No such entity could be found.
409 Taxonomy archive already exists.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Retrieve a list of all Reports


Name Type Description Profile
_id query A report id (e.g. 1fueA5hrxIHxvRf7Btr_J6efDJ3qp-s9KV731wDc4OOc)  
user query A user's email address to filter reports owned by this user (i.e. all reports if user = authorized user or only public-read reports of user)  
public-read query Filter listed reports to return only those that are publicly readable  
private query Filter listed reports to return only those that are private  
export query If set to true a report will be retrieved in a binary format. Only a single report can be exported at once  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
onlyMetadata query If set to true will return only the metadata of reports instead of the complete reports. (default: false)  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns reports listing
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or missing
403 Forbidden: the specified project token doesn't have sufficient privileges
404 Not found: a report id was given as parameter '_id', but a report with the specified id could not be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Add a new, update an existing report or validates a report on the fly


Name Type Description Profile
report body A JSON object containing the report  
public-read query Shortcut to make a report publicly readable  
private query Will make this report private (not readable for others; default for newly created reports)  
validation-only query This parameter is either given without any value (means: on) or absent (means: off) or its value is castable to a boolean. Turns validation-only mode on or off  
import query If set to true, the body of the request will be treated as binary report and imported into the users account  
_id query A report id (e.g. FundamentalAccountingConcepts). For example, when importing a report the id can be provided to create a new report  
label query A report label (e.g. 'Key Value Indicators'). Will overwrite the Label of the report given in the body (binary report as well as json report)  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns the report as it was stored. Or, the validation results in an array.
400 Bad Request: A mandatory parameter is missing or a given parameter is invalid
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or missing
403 Forbidden: the specified project token doesn't have sufficient privileges
409 Conflict: The remotely stored report contains changes that are newer than your local copy of the report. Saving failed.
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Delete an existing report


Name Type Description Profile
_id query A report id (e.g. FundamentalAccountingConcepts)  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
204 Report has been deleted. Empty response.
400 Bad Request: a mandatory parameter is missing or a given parameter is not valid
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or missing
403 Forbidden: the specified project token doesn't have sufficient privileges
404 Not found: a report id was given as parameter '_id', but a report with the specified id could not be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request.



Retrieve a list of all Report Parameters


Name Type Description Profile
parameter query Only retrieve values for this parameter  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Returns parameters object
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Login with email and password in order to retrieve a token.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
email query Email of user to login  
password query Password of user to login  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the user was logged in successfully
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing
403 if the user doesn't exist or could not be authenticated



Logout the user identified by the given API key.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the user was logged out successfully
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing



Create a token having a custom expiration duration.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
email query Email of user that creates the token  
password query Password of user that creates the token  
expiration query Expiration of the token, in ISO format (e.g.: 2014-04-29T14:32:05.0321Z)  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the token was created successfully
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing
403 if the user doesn't exist or could not be authenticated



Revoke a token having a custom expiration duration.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
email query Email of user that owns the token  
password query Password of user that owns the token  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the token was removed successfully
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing
403 if the user doesn't exist or could not be authenticated



List tokens of a user identified by its token.


Name Type Description Profile
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the tokens are listed successfully
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing



Retrieve user record by user ID or email. If no user ID or email is specified, the record of the current user is returned.


Name Type Description Profile
userid query A user ID  
email query A user email address  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 A user record
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Create a new user record


Name Type Description Profile
firstname query The new user first name  
lastname query The new user last name  
email query The new user email  
password query The new user password  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Operation outcome
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Change a user firstname and lastname, and, optionally, his email.


Name Type Description Profile
firstname query The user new first name  
lastname query The user new last name  
newemail query The user new email  
email query Current email of the authorized user (needed if changing the email)  
password query Current password of the authorized user (needed if changing the email)  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the user's infos were updated successfully
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing
403 if the user doesn't exist or could not be authenticated
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Change a user password


Name Type Description Profile
newpassword query New password  
email query Email of the authorized user  
password query Password of the authorized user  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the user's password was updated successfully
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing
403 if the user doesn't exist or could not be authenticated
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Send an email with the reset password token.


Name Type Description Profile
email query The user email  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the user's reset password token was sent via email
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Set the password for a user based on email and the reset password token


Name Type Description Profile
email query The email of the user to set the password  
password query The new password  
resetToken query The reset password token  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the user's password was updated successfully
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing
403 if the user doesn't exist or the token is invalid
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request



Checks to see if the current logged in user has a particular right


Name Type Description Profile
right query The right id  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 if the user has the right
400 if a mandatory parameter is missing
403 if the user doesn't exist or the token is invalid
500 if the user doesn't have the right