

Retrieve the business-friendly spreadsheet for a report.

Filters can be overriden. Filters MUST be overriden if the report is not already filtering.


Name Type Description Profile
profile-name query Specifies which profile to use, which will enable some parameters or modify hypercube queries accordingly. The default depends on the underlying repository  
format query Returns the results in the supplied format  
format-indent query Whether or not to indent JSON or XML output (default: no indent).  
token query The token that allows you to use this API. Gives you read (GET) and/or write (POST, DELETE, PATCH) credentials.  
aid query Archive IDs, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts.  
eid query The EIDs (scheme + local name) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts.  
cik query The CIK of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
ticker query The ticker of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
edinetcode query The EDINET code of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. japan
entity-tag query The tag of an entity (such as an index), to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec, japan
sic query The SIC (industry group) of a company, to retrieve entities, archives, sections, components or dice facts. sec
fiscalYear query A fiscal year to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalYear, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriod query A fiscal period to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriod, default: no filtering). sec, japan
fiscalPeriodType query A fiscal period type to slice facts (a synonym for the dimension xbrl28:FiscalPeriodType, default: no filtering). sec, japan
report query The report to use as a context to retrieve the facts. In particular, concept maps and rules found in this report will be used. (default: none).  
validate query Whether or not to stamp facts for validity (default is false).  
audit-trails query Whether audit trails should be included in each fact (default: no).  
language query A language code (default: en-US) for displaying labels.  
eliminate query Whether to eliminate empty rows / columns (Default: false).  
elimination-threshold query When you eliminate, you can specify a threshold of elimination between 0 and 100. If the threshold is set to 0 (which is the default), only fully empty rows and columns are eliminated. With 100, everything is eliminated. With a value inbetween, say, 50, the rows and columns with less than 50% of filled cells are eliminated (Default: 0).  
populate query Whether to populate cells with facts (Default: true). If false, populate with metadata, that is, aspects and concept data type, period type, balance.  
row query Filters the spreadsheet to display only the rows specified (default: no filter). Deactivates elimination.  
column query Filters the spreadsheet to display only the columns specified (default: no filter). Deactivates elimination.  
flatten-row-headers query Whether to flatten row headers to single columns (Default: false).  
archive-tag query The tag of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: no filtering). japan
archiveFiscalYear query The fiscal year focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
archiveFiscalPeriod query The fiscal period focus of the archive, to retrieve archives, sections, components or slice facts (default: ALL). sec, japan
override query Whether the static component or report hypercube should be tampered with using the same hypercube-building API as the facts endpoint (default: true if a profile is active, otherwise automatically activated).  
open query Whether the hypercube query has open hypercube semantics, i.e., automatically stretches to accommodate for all found dimensions (default: false).  
prefix:dimension query The name of a dimension used for slicing and dicing facts. Accepted format: prefix:dimension. As a value, the value of the dimension or ALL can be provided if all facts with this dimension should be retrieved.  
prefix:dimension::category query Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer, a dicer, or unchanged. If an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along slicers and grouped along dicers (default: unchanged).  
prefix:dimension::visible query Specifies whether the dimension is visible in the output. Only applies to dimensions defined as slicers. Default: false for slicers, but always true for dicers.  
prefix:dimension::slicer query [Deprecated] Specifies whether the dimension is a slicer (true) or not (false). Slicer dimensions do not appear in the output fact table, and if an aggregation function is specified, facts are aggregated along this dimension (default: false).  
aggregation-function query Specify an aggregation function to aggregate facts. Will aggregate facts, grouped by dicers, but aggregated along slicers, with this function.  

Status codes

Code Description
200 Return the spreadsheet for the given report
401 Unauthorized: the specified project token is invalid, expired, or has insufficient privileges
404 No such entity could be found. / No such archive could be found
500 An internal error occurred during the processing of the request